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The Vet of Santa Avenue

“You should’ve known, I always catch my pests,” Vet said. His shrill voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Piercing through her blackening consciousness. “Thanks for the challenge though, Ditz.”

The Vet of Santa Avenue

The alleyways of the city were both a haven and a danger from mice to dogs alike. A maze wide enough to allow lots of strays' entry. Yet twisty enough to confuse anyone too distracted to pay attention to where they were going. She had run straight into a dead end.

Puddles of foggy rainwater, brackish piss, and fly-infested manure dotted the roads of the alleyway. Sacks of ripped trash bags leaked their slimy rotting contents. Scuffed flea-infested pieces of broken futon rested against the walls. At this moment, the swirling muggy heat in the air struck zapping the last grains of strength out of her small fuzzy body.

No, no, no, no, no! Paws shaking like a leaf; she collapsed to the pavement. Her wide eyes leaked hot sticky tears onto the dusty soil. She didn’t dare look back. She couldn’t bring herself to directly face the Vet. Behind her the uneven steps SCRATCH, STOMP, SCRATCH echoed against her eardrums slowly building to a horrifying crescendo. Someone, please help me!

Her unblinking gold orbs continued to blankly stare at the garbage-piled brick wall that stubbornly prevented any means of escape. A shadow had formed on it. SCRATCH. The silhouette of the Vet got bigger, her dog-legged prosthetic limb sticking out on his small body. STOMP. His right hand, once held behind his back, rose.

The pointed jaws opened and closed methodically. SCRATCH. He pulled his left hand to his side. Made from silver and copper, the petite cage swung back and forth. She knew it was the same one she had previously escaped from. The vet would never give her or any other victims the “luxury” of a clean cell.

Her eyes drifted to the smooth blank face of the shadow. It and the steps had come to a full stop. The Vet slowly lifted the hammer readying the motion that would knock her out. Her shaking form began to vibrate even more. Someone, please help me! She sniffled and hiccupped. But no one ever would. The hammer came down. Striking the back of her skull with a loud crack.

“You should’ve known, I always catch my pests,” Vet said. His shrill voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Piercing through her blackening consciousness. “Thanks for the challenge though, Ditz.”

Her squishy limp body was picked up and thrown into the cage for easy transport. The door clanked and clicked shut behind her. Ditz landed hard against the icy metal flooring soothing the throbbing ache that ran through her exhausted limbs. Her eyes finally fluttered closed the muffled SCRATCH, STOMP, SCRATCH funneling into her ears. Over the years the Vet of Santa Avenue had terrorized both the stray and collared pets on the streets.

Hunting or luring them into his clutches before he dragged his newest victim to his lair. It was not known what was done to the victim since each time the body would disappear.

However, Ditz would soon find that out, whether she liked it or not.

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