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The Inn

Updated: Jan 27

“Yeah, I’m done with it, I hope you like what you read.” Drake jokingly replies and as he focuses back on his meal you take the clipboard and read over the paperwork. And the information on the paperwork causes you to smile as you look it over repeatedly. This customer was perfect. Drake is healthy, has no family or friends, nor has anything on him to defend himself. Usually, your customers have one of the three, but this man is a sitting duck for anyone who wants to take advantage of him. “Is everything alright with the paperwork?”

The Inn

The door to the inn swung open with a bang as an exhausted traveler walked in and collapsed on the floor. “Oh my!” You call out, while rushing from behind the counter to help the man up, “Are you okay?”

“W-Water.” The man blurts and you urgently obey the traveler's request as you pull a canteen out and offer it to the man. And, while the man drinks his fill, you size up his tanned overweight body and butter-blonde hair. You smile gleefully at this the man wasn’t the type to work out so it would be extremely easy to restrain him. “Thank you, by the way, the name is Drake.”

“My name is Y/N, but never mind that, are you sure you don’t want more water?” You respond, as you take back the canteen the traveler had drank from,

“I’m sure. Is this place open? I’ve spent all day trying to find shelter and I’m kind of worn out.” Drake questions with his dark blue eyes lighting up upon receiving a curt nod from you.

“Of course, it is, just because we are experiencing a zombie apocalypse doesn’t mean we can’t reach out to those in need.” You reassure as you try to help the traveler up, “Now, come along, all you have to do is fill out the paperwork and your stay here is guaranteed.”

“Great! But I don’t have to pay anything do I?” The man asks while you get behind the counter once more as the man rests his hands on it.

“Nope, no money needed, all I ask is that you be completely honest while filling out this paperwork here.” You state before grabbing one of the many clipboards from the bookshelf behind you and handing it over. The traveler smiles dutifully in return, as he walks over and sits on a nearby leather couch while filling out the required paperwork. And, as you go back to watching the man, you notice the off-brand grey tank top and shorts he’s wearing. This causes you to frown, the man doesn’t seem to be worth much, and coupled with his young appearance he might not have anything of value. But you could be wrong, the backpack he’s wearing could be full of loot he’s pilfered, or he has valuable family heirlooms on him. “Ahem, pardon me for interrupting, sir. But I am going to check the food stock in the kitchen, would you like anything while I’m in there?”

“Oh….Uhhh…..Would a martini and a fruit salad be too much to ask?” Drake quires, as he stares oddly at the clipboard, “Also, no offense, but you got some weird stuff on this paperwork. I feel like I’m being asked the story of my life.”

“Haha, my apologies, I know the paperwork is a lot; but I want to know as much about my guests as possible so that their stay here is the last thing they remember.” You reply while walking into the kitchen through the Employees Only door. “And I’ll be sure to get that martini and salad done for you.” And, once you hear the door shut behind you, a wolfish smile spreads across your face as you get to work serving the customer. This process doesn’t take you long and, in less than thirty minutes, you leave the kitchen with the orders on a small wooden tray. “I hope you like my cooking; I added my special ingredient to it.” You said, with Drake smiling and looking up at you as he put the clipboard to the side.

“Awesome, I’m starving!” The man gratefully responds while he takes the tray and starts diving into his meal. “You know, I’m a bit of a cook myself, I prefer baking but maybe I can pay you back with a meal of my own.”

“Ah, the-there is no need for that, your happiness is all the payment I need.” You quickly stammer, with your cheeks flushing at how naïve and cute the customer was, “But….uhh….are you done with the paperwork? I prefer to look at it while my customers are eating.”

“Yeah, I’m done with it, I hope you like what you read.” Drake jokingly replies and as he focuses back on his meal you take the clipboard and read over the paperwork. And the information on the paperwork causes you to smile as you look it over repeatedly. This customer is perfect. Drake is healthy, has no family or friends, nor has anything on him to defend himself. Usually, your customers have one of the three, but this man is a sitting duck for anyone who wants to take advantage of him. “Is everything alright with the paperwork?”

“Hmmm? Oh yes!” You said while you take in the sleepy appearance that the new customer has, “But, are you feeling, okay? You look like you’re going to pass out any minute now.”

“I—Yeah, I do feel like that, can you help me to my room?” The man tiredly asks as he puts the polished-off dishes to the side and pushes himself into a standing position. And, after receiving an affirming nod from you, Drake takes your hand and allows you to walk him to his room. However, after walking less than three feet away from the couch, Drake stops you as he starts to place more of his weight on you. “Wait….I…..I think I need to sit do—” But, it’s too late for the man to finish his sentence, he loses his grip on you and collapses to the ground; falling asleep moments before the thud rings out.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a naïve fool, you never take food from strangers.” You coldly state, as you place the clipboard on the counter and drag Drake away.


A huff of annoyance escapes your lips as you finish sharpening the knives in preparation for what is to come. “I can’t believe he’s not awake yet, did I add too much sleeping powder to his drink?” You ask yourself, while your eyes land on Drake who is gagged and chained to the wall by a metal collar sealed around his neck. “Well, I’m not going to wait forever, the pain should wake him up.” So, with expert precision, you walk up to your victim and swing the knife over into the left eye which soon finds itself lodged in the weapon. As you expect, Drake jumps awake and starts to scream but his agony is far from over as you pull back the knife until the springy pink optical nerve snaps like a rubber band. “Evening Drake, I hope you enjoyed your nap.”

“Wha-What are you doing!?” Drake shrieks, only to go quiet in horror as he watches you plop his eye into your mouth,

“I’m butchering you, love.” You smugly state while beginning to chew on the eye. “And, I must say, you are quite tasty.” And, while the other is in shock, you get down on your knees and place the knife on the other leg. “I think I might save your other eye. Maybe make it into a billiard ball? As for your meat, however, that is going to be a nice treat for me.”

“W-Wait stop! You don't have to do this. Let me go!” Drake begged as tears poured from his eye.

“Hmmm….sorry love, but that isn’t going to happen, I quite enjoy the taste of human flesh.” You reply before plowing the knife into Drake’s leg and flaying the skin off the bone. This causes your victim to scream as Drake tries to push you off his leg only for his short arms to fail at their objective. However, just as you finish flaying the meat of your victim's leg bone, a spike of pain goes through your neck. And, without thinking, you drop the knife and try to clutch what feels like an open wound on your neck as you turn your head towards your victim. You never get to see your victim, though, instead, you receive a punch to the face and hit the ground in a daze.

“G-Give me the key and I’ll stop the bleeding,” Drake demands, but instead of responding, you eye the knife in your neck and realize that the man had grabbed the knife in your pocket and used it to incapacitate you.

“I-I’ll have to admit, that was pretty smart, but you made a grave error.” You respond as you start to lose consciousness faster than the waterfall of blood leaving your mouth. “I keep the keys of my victims in the kitchen.” And, as the world goes dark, the last thing you hear is Drake screaming for help that would never come.

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