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I knew it, I'm going to survive, someone is out there! Keeping it up; Ivan eventually was able to force more powerful barks from her throat. The rakings grew louder in return as the canine or canines worked to break in and come to rescue him. Soon enough, the unknowns’ efforts bore fruit, and after what seemed like hours a large hole was made in the wall. Ivan beamed, his tail wagging as one of his saviors came into the compartment. Whoa, she looks weird but also really cute, am I sure I didn't die? Smiling up at her, Ivan hoped he did not look as horrible as he thought.


Hot steam flowed in the roughly shaking compartment, red light tinted his environment, and sirens wailed all around Ivan. On either side of him, pieces of metal could be seen flying past the windows; the large shiny ball was falling apart. Stumbling on his own four paws, the jack-a-bee, Ivan panted heavily. Decked out in a blue suit and a full coat of cream white, gingerbread brown, and syrup brown speckled fur, the dog was in desperate need of refreshments.

Just like everything else around him the specialized outfit the humans forced him into had since stopped working. Barely managing to stop himself from falling on top of the bowl, Ivan lapped up as much cool gel as he could. I have to stay alive; I have to stay alive; I have to stay alive. That was a mantra that Ivan had been thinking of as of late and he needed to now, especially. If he could survive the fever, then once he hit the ground, he could escape this pod.

Are you stupid, this fall could kill you, I’d rather pass out and die from this than fall from such a high drop! Sure the structure he was in was not holding up well against this current assault. But he had to have hope no matter what his common sense told him. You preserved past the giants, tests, and loneliness, this is the final trail; I won’t give up now! A particularly violent shake forced him to pull his head from the silver dish; Ivan did not have the reflexes to react as a still flickering light came barreling towards him. CRASH! Agony erupted in his left face, neck, and shoulder; copper-scented blood dripped onto the ground. But Ivan could do nothing except helplessly whimper while the world faded around him.

Opening his remaining eye, Ivan pitifully whined. Beams of sunlight filtered through the windows revealing the catastrophic damage that came from the crash. Everything was either broken or knocked over. The overhead lights had since been cracked with some hanging by their wires. A pair of speakers were lying on the floor after falling off the mounts that had held them to the walls. Trying to get up, Ivan gave it a few attempts but could not do it; his partially numb leg refused to comply.

“Hello? Is anybody in there?” However, before panic could settle in, a series of frantic barks and scratches revived the hope in Ivan that had nearly gone dormant. It took a moment, but Ivan was capable of responding even with the pain it caused in his throat.

I knew it, I'm going to survive, someone is out there! Keeping it up; Ivan eventually was able to force more powerful barks from her throat. The rakings grew louder in return as the canine or canines worked to break in and come to rescue him. Soon enough, the unknowns’ efforts bore fruit, and after what seemed like hours a large hole was made in the wall. Ivan beamed, his tail wagging as one of his saviors came into the compartment. Whoa, she looks weird but also really cute, am I sure I didn't die? Smiling up at her, Ivan hoped he did not look as horrible as he thought.

CLIP, CLOP, CLIP, CLOP. “Hello sir, the name is Pepper.” Approaching Ivan was a small rescue team consisting of one dog and four primates. Pepper, the teal and silver furred pomsky, was leading the pack; her coat draped down her back, chest, and over her legs covering almost every part of her body. The fluffy face of Pepper was the only thing that remained visible. Strange, rounded ears sat on both sides of her head, a pair of sharp yellowing horns grew in between them, and her bright golden eyes and sharp, black-nosed muzzle stood out on her face.

Ivan tried to speak, and he did, but all that came out was a wheeze and a spurt of blood from his throbbing throat. CLIP, CLOP, CLIP, CLOP. Pepper quickened her pace, her widening eyes following the vibrant flecks of blood that splattered on the silver floor, as the large shadow of her and her companions fell over Ivan. “Stop that, you’re going to cough up a lung! Ham, Able, Baker! A little help here?” The primates were more than happy to oblige as Ivan locked eyes with the curious-looking dog that was Pepper. “Don’t worry, sir, you will be okay.” Ivan didn’t doubt that statement, not for a minute.

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