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It All Started with a Mushroom

“Boysenberry!” Blueberry screamed and, in a rare moment of mental clarity, the caterpillar burst into tears. She would never see her sister again. And, unfortunately, the caterpillar was right, as a mushroom suddenly burst from her stomach with a few smaller ones growing alongside it. Blueberry shrieked as her gooey black blood sprayed everywhere and gushed out of the fresh wound that had just appeared on her form. A wound that was being filled by more of the sand brown mushrooms fungi as the seconds ticked past. “…. B-Boysenberry….” The blue caterpillar whimpered while staring in horror at what was happening to her body. And, as the sudden rush of adrenaline steadily started to run out, Blueberry sniffled and embraced the darkness overtaking her vision.

It All Started with a Mushroom

The harsh summer sun beamed down on a blue caterpillar’s salted and oil-slickened body. This caterpillar was known as Blueberry, and she had been sentenced to death by frying.

Why would this poor caterpillar have been sentenced to such a grisly and horrible demise?

Well, it had all started with a large mushroom that had grown around the edge of the forest, and Blueberry could only hope with whatever brainpower she had left that her village burnt the rest of those fungi before they had time to spread.


The mushroom has been deceptively innocent at first with the two caterpillars, forever fused by their waists, known as Blueberry and Boysenberry stumbling across it while slithering through the forest. “Hey wait! What is that?” Blueberry had called out, with her eyes resting on a giant caramel brown stem that led to a large chestnut brown and cream-colored underside.

“Huh? Oh wow, that is one big mushroom.” Boysenberry responded all while the two-headed caterpillar made its way into the clearing of the strange sand-colored topped mushroom. Boysenberry was not wrong, the mushroom towered over them, casting a long dark shadow. “I do not think I have ever seen a mushroom like this before. It is so…. plain.”

However, just as the purple caterpillar had said, did she see what looked to be some juices—black as caterpillar ichor—being sucked up by the base of the mushroom. Boysenberry winced. Was that real blood or something else? As this feeling of primal panic phased through her, the purple caterpillar froze to stop the other's movements. “Wait! I do not think we should get near this mushroom!”

“Huh?” The blue caterpillar questioned, all while her shared body suddenly lurched thanks to the other, “Hey! What gives? Let me check this thing out!”

“No!” The purple caterpillar sternly said as she tried his best to pull the other away from the fungi foliage to little success. “I-I do not like this thing! We need to go!”

“Relax Boysen, I am sure this mushroom is not so bad. Come on, it looks like it would taste rather good!” Blueberry told, all while she started to drag both herself and her sister towards the mushroom. She was always more physically capable than her sibling.

“But Blue—! You cannot—! Please do not eat any of—” Boysenberry pleaded but she was always cut off by her own failing and trembling voice.

“Boysen, it is fine, what’s the worst that could happen?” The blue caterpillar argued while licking her lips before sinking her teeth into the stem of the mushroom.

“I want you to remember this when we are both sick in bed after the worst thing that could happen winds up happening.” The purple caterpillar responded all while she drooled at the admittedly very tasty phantom feelings, she got from the other eating the stem of the mushroom. This was the only thing she liked about sharing a body with Blue.


The blue caterpillar was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as agonizing pain rippled through her cooking and sizzling body.

“Boysenberry!” Blueberry screamed and, in a rare moment of mental clarity, the caterpillar burst into tears. She would never see her sister again. And, unfortunately, the caterpillar was right, as a mushroom suddenly burst from her stomach with a few smaller ones growing alongside it. Blueberry shrieked as her gooey black blood sprayed everywhere and gushed out of the fresh wound that had just appeared on her form. A wound that was being filled by more of the sand brown mushrooms fungi as the seconds ticked past. “…. B-Boysenberry….” The blue caterpillar whimpered while staring in horror at what was happening to her body. And, as the sudden rush of adrenaline steadily started to run out, Blueberry sniffled and embraced the darkness overtaking her vision.

She could only hope, Blueberry prayed, that her sister was not infected like her.

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