Black Hazelnut Coffee
At first, the black coffee was bitter,
Soothing in warmth but too bitter at times.
Still, I always drank more of it.
No matter what happened I couldn’t bring myself to stop.
It coated my tongue.
Sometimes it would make me scream and huff.
Other times it would make me choke and cry from a spike in its bite.
Eventually though; I got older and the flavor changed.
Becoming nuttier in flavor and mellower in texture with time.
It was easier to drink.
The acidity lessened more and more until its bite ceased to be.
I almost wish the coffee was in its original state; I miss it.
Where its presence was a constant in my life.
Those moments are fleeting, I know I can’t go back.
Still, it is nice to reminisce.
Enjoying the hazelnut I had in exchange for the bitterness I lost.